Course notes

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This page collects math notes I've taken, mostly course notes. I've also written some TeXnical notes and scripts.

My notes What? Who? When? Additional Resources
pdfsvntgz Homological Algebra Peter Teichner Spring 2008
pdfsvntgz Deformation Theory Workshop, MSRI Max LieblichMartin OlssonBrian Osserman Ravi Vakil Summer 2007 Other peoples' notes can be found here and here.
pdfsvntgz Math 274, Stacks Martin Olsson Spring 2007
pdftex Math 215A, Algebraic Topology Peter Teichner Fall 2006
pdftgz Math 274, Commutative Rings Tsit Yuen Lam Fall 2006
pdftgz Math 261A, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Nicolai Reshetikhin
Vera Serganova
Richard Borcherds
Spring 2006
pdftgz Math 242, Symplectic Geometry Alan Wienstein Fall 2005
Math 252, Representation Theory Vera Serganova Fall 2005 Vera Serganova's Representation Theorey notes

William Crawley-Boevey's lectures on representations of quivers

pdf tgz Math 256B, Algebraic Geometry Paul Vojta Spring 2005 Paul Vojta's handouts and solutions

Marco Lo Giudice's notes

William Stein's notes and solutions

Richard Borcherds' selected solutions

Bryden Cias' notes and solutions

Jinhyun Park's solutions

Mark Haiman's Math 256AB page

I gave a couple of talks on toric varieties in a student seminar. If my notes make sense to you, you're welcome to use them.

My notes (pdf, tgz), made from Tony's notes, of Yonathan's prelim workshop on analysis.

One of my favorite facts about right adjoint functors is that they commute with limits.

Sestina's and primes, an easy problem Richard Dore and I worked out our first year in grad school, which I wrote up for some reason.

I talked about the Salamander Lemma in MCF. My reference was George Bergman's preprint, On diagram-chasing in double complexes.