Course Page for Math 274, Fall 2006

Guidelines for solutions to exercises (direct from professor Lam):
  1. State the problem just as on the handout, saying "Chap.I, Ex. n" (1\leq n\leq 57). Be sure to include the solver's name and email address.
  2. Only submit a solution that is reasonably polished and very well proofread.  Although we do learn math by making mistakes, putting up half-baked solutions or arguments full of holes is not the way to handle the course webpage.  At this stage, none of the problems would require long solutions.  So, write succinctly as well as convincingly.  The "five-line proof" I gave in class today [the first day] should be the industry standard. Avoid phrases like "it is trivial that .. ".  Believe you or not, those are often the places where we make our mistakes!
  3. If you feel you have a much simpler or a drastically different solution to a problem, you can by all means submit it to Anton. But one good solution is what we look for, so don't increase Anton's work unnecessarily.  If the work gets too heavy for Anton, someone should volunteer to help out.  This way of doing homework as a group is a wonderful way to take advantage of technology; it should be a good and unusual learning experience.
LaTeX guidelines:
  1. Here is a template you should use for submitting solutions. If you have lots of solutions, submit them all in the same file. In fact, you can just send me the text between \begin{document} and \end{document} pasted into an email.
  2. Let's keep the number of packages we use small and standard, so that nobody has any trouble compiling. If you use any package not already included, let me know.
Chapter I  : .tex .pdf.
Chapter II : .tex .pdf.
Chapter III: .tex .pdf.
If you have a solution for one of the problems which has already been solved, please check that it is intrinsically different from the posted one(s). Also, if you feel that a posted solution is incorrect, let me know.