TeXnical notes

From stacky wiki

Sometimes I find a solution to a TeXnical problem, and I think everybody should know about it. Some of these things are totally obvious, but (as far as I know) non-standard.

BibTeX without a separate .bib file

dvi tex

How to draw the Fox-Artin wild arc with pstricks

    \newdimen\totaljump     % This measures where the orgin is
    \newdimen\jumpinterval  % This measures how much the origin moves each time
    %%%%% First we draw the left hand side. Because we are utilizing borders, we have %%%%%
    %%%%% to draw from left to right, so compute by hand what the unit should be.     %%%%%
      % Move the origin to the appropriate place %%%%
      \psset{origin={\totaljump,0}, unit= 1.25, border=.05, linewidth=.03}
      % Draw a piece of the curve
      % Scale the jumpinterval by .8 and increment totaljump
      \multiply\jumpinterval by 5 \divide\jumpinterval by 4
      \advance\totaljump by \jumpinterval
    %%%% Now we draw one piece of the curve in the middle %%%%
    %%%% to get the two ends to match up nicely.          %%%%
    %%%% Now draw the right hand side %%%%
      \advance\totaljump by \jumpinterval
      \multiply\jumpinterval by 4 \divide\jumpinterval by 5
      \psset{origin={\totaljump,0}, unit= .8, border=.05, linewidth=.03}

Placing labels on arrows in XY-pic

(I learned this trick from Aaron Lauda; I haven't seen it documented anywhere)

\xymatrix{asdfasdf \ar[r]^{f} & a }

produces the label "f" in a stupid place, half-way between the centers of the two entries, instead of where you'd like it to be, half-way along the arrow. One way to handle this is to do something like


but that is fairly unsatisfying because you have to calibrate the (.7) by eye. There is another way, which is to use


which will automatically place the label "f" half-way along the arrow. If you want the label .7 of the way along the arrow, you can do
