Main Page

I work at Plasmidsaurus. I've also worked/studied at Google, Eonite Perception, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Brandeis.
When I was in academia, my mathematical interests were largely in algebraic geometry, particularly foundational questions about algebraic stacks. See my Research page for more information. More recently, I've been more interested in probability, information theory, and reinforcement learning.
I've taught several courses over the years. Check out the course pages.
is a question and answer site for professional mathematicians. I founded it and helped to make it successful. You can read about it in the Notices, from the Simons Foundation, in the Atlantic, and on many different blogs.
I like TeX and LaTeX. If you do too, have a look at my TeXnical notes and advice on real-time TeXing.
As a real-time TeXer, I've accumulated some course notes that I find to be useful references.
Okay, I don't really blog, but I do sometimes write up something interesting that I think about. Here are some links to those things:
(2016-03-07) | Against the odds: a caution to practical Bayesians. |
(2015-03-05) | Chocolates, bugs, and socks. A few calculations from real life. |
(2013-09-23) | A bug in my high school physics intuition. |
(2013-07-30) | Misconceptions about machine learning. |
(2012-07-21) | Wanted: adaptive navigation app. How to make GPS navigation systems better. |
(2012-07-14) | How to write diagram chases. A proposal for how to write diagram chases so that they're readable. |
Contact Information
Name: Anton Geraschenko
PGP: my public key
Phone: 617 275 1573 (cell)
Home: 2061 Ashton Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (map)