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Revision as of 21:58, 24 September 2011 by Anton (talk | contribs)

I'm currently a postdoc ("Bateman Research Instructor") in the Caltech mathematics department. Before that (2004-2011), I was a graduate student in the UC Berkeley math department working with Vera Serganova. Before that (2000-2004), I was an undergraduate at Brandeis University.


I'm interested in algebraic geometry, particularly foundational questions about algebraic stacks. See my Research page for more information.

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[link to tex page]


I'm helping to organize the algebraic geometry seminar and the toric geometry student seminar at Caltech.

In the Fall of 2011, I'm teaching a topics course on algebraic spaces and algebraic stacks.

"" is a question and answer site for professional mathematicians. I founded it and helped to make it successful.


